Thursday, March 13, 2008

Good News/Bad News

Good News: Dh has been called daily multiple times by head hunters in the past two week. There are lots of jobs out there for someone with his background and experience, and he could pretty much name his price. Heck, he's even being recruited by Miller Brewing, Co--what red-blooded American male would pass up the chance to work as a brewing engineer?
Bad News: None of these wonderful jobs are oh, say, within 1,000 miles of where we live. That would make for one awfully hellish commute. Did I mention we just moved three months ago? And that we love it here? We're not quite ready to pack those boxes yet. We'll keep looking and hoping something comes up that is within maybe 30 miles or so.

Good News: LC can pee on the potty.
Bad News: She only does this when prompted, and I only have the energy to put her on when I'm changing a diaper. She won't ever say if she has peed (although she's pretty good about reporting poop, and even if she doesn't she will smell from two rooms away so there's no guessing there). She won't ever let you know if she has to pee. But set her on the potty and 80% of the time she will go. Its a start!

Good News: I had lost some weight this year and clothes were starting fit loosely.
Bad News: After this week I think I will have found all that I lost. PMS anyone? Its bad to have that and leftover chocolate frosting in the fridge the same week.

Good News: It was 60 degrees out today so the girls and I went out for a walk. It was awesome.
Bad News: This is spring in Iowa and we will have snow by next week. And the whole outside smelled like one giant dog poop. Disgusting. I hate dogs. (Yes, even Ripley--sorry kdotp).

Good News: Its the weekend soon.
Bad News: It just doesn't matter. All the days are the same here now that dh is home all the time and no preschool for EE. Although I will say that we are going out to eat on Saturday night to celebrate my Dad's b-day, so that's at least one thing to look forward to. And I'm going to Target tomorrow. Field trip!

Good News: Its bedtime! :)
Bad News: Dh has a cold and will probably keep me up with all the snorting, snoring, and any other annoying noises he can make.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For us it's Yay for eating at HP on Saturday, but that's not quite as exciting for you anymore considering you can go there anytime now. :p