Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Seriously, this is getting a little ridiculous

I've mentioned before that I have found a great group of neighborhood gals (women, moms, girls, whatever--you get the idea). We are all around the same age and have kids around the same age. Some of them I went to college with (found that out after I had met them), some of them are from where we used to live--just lots of connections. We do a playgroup, a walking group, and a dinner evening.

One of the first times I went to the walking group, I found out one of them is pregnant. Not unusual, right? Then came dinner last month where another one announced her pregnancy. Congrats! Then playgroup, another one. Now I just found out another one. What the heck is in the water, girls? There are now more pregnant than not, and one is due any day (if she hasn't already delivered).

We're supposed to go out to supper tomorrow night. Maybe I should request to sit at a different table or something. Pregnancy is contagious, right? Like if I drink the same water or breathe the air they are breathing? Geesh, this is a little crazy. I didn't know the initiation into the group was to have a baby--I may have to re-think this whole friend thing.


Cristin said...

Stay the hell away!! I'd be in trouble if I had frequent contact with preg women and/or teeny babies.. we're so done having kids... I don't want to be tempted..

Bad Mommy said...

Do NOT drink the water, for the love of god, don't. Unless of course you want a baby. In that case I have a child for sale....

Unknown said...

Well, I don't know how the hell I got pg because I have no pregnant friends. That and boys are gross. :p

Guess that means I won't come and visit until October sometime. ;)