Thursday, February 28, 2008

Six Degrees of Separation--BabyCenter Style

Ever since before EE was born, I have been on the BabyCenter (BC) website. Of course while trying to get pregnant for the first time I read all the articles, did the due date calculator, had all the possible pregnancy symptoms memorized--you know, all that crazy first-time mom stuff. Now I just read the message boards, and most days it provides me free entertainment. I barely frequent the birth board for EE anymore, still post a few time on LC's birth board, read the one post a month on the Iowa board, am a regular on the babies with birth defects board, and am addicted to the Bargain Hunters board. Its my guilty pleasure.

Since being on BC, I have actually "met" quite a few people I wouldn't have met otherwise. I'm convinced that everybody on the board probably knows someone else on the board in fewer than 6 degrees. Here's just a few examples of the connections I have made:

1. When we were first moving to Carroll 4 years ago I got some recommendations from Stacey V. on the Iowa board. Because of her I found our Dr., my hairstylist, and she happens to be a friend of a friend.

2. Also from the Iowa board I met someone who was literally moving about 1/2 a block away from our house.

3. Over three years ago there was a story on BC about a baby, Allie, who had cancer. Almost everyone I know followed her story--she touched a lot of lives. Allie died from cancer but her mom continues to blog. Unrelated to Allie, I met a family online whose daughter was born with the same birth defect as LC. It turns out they know Allie's mom and are friends with the family. Then I saw another poster talking about being friends with Allie's mom, so I told her I "knew" a friend of a friend. I now blog-stalk these three women. ;)

4. I re-connected with Teri whom I also knew via LC's birth defect. Now we can talk about crazy people and Magic Cream and all sorts of fun stuff together. :)

5. Recently I changed my screen name (which BC forced me to change again, I'm still going to try and get my new-old SN back) and added a siggie with the picture from our Christmas cards. I got a couple random e-mails from fellow Cyclone fans. In talking with one of them, she was roommates with friends of our from college and probably had met dh at some point. She had also gone to high school with a dad of one of EE's preschool classmates.

I'm not making this stuff up, people.

In other "Its a Small World" notes:

Like I've mentioned before, we recently moved. I found out that a classmate of mine lives nearby and has a daughter who will be in kindergarten with Emma.

Recently there was a news story out of our town of two police officers who rescued a guy from a burning car. The story made its way to CNN. I went to high school with one of the guys (actually went on a date with him at one point) and have run into him here in town a couple of times since then.

Stop on over at BC, you never know who you may "meet" online!


Unknown said...

Nate laughs at me and my internet friends, but I have more of them than I do friends here IRL.

Jenn M said...

OK, been meaning to comment or email since I "found" you but I barely get time to read...I'm ignoring a toddler right now to come out of lurkdom! Now that I've actually been sort of mentioned, how can I not?
I saw your comment on Jenny's blog today too...I swear I read too many blogs. You need to live here, I'd love hanging out with you!

Anyway, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this blog! Great stuff!


kmm0305 said...

Jenn--so good to see you here! :) I've been meaning to e-mail you just to see how things are going. Hope everyone has recovered at your house!