Thursday, January 15, 2009

Living the dream

Every school-aged child's dream. Not so much every parent's dream.

Monday: school out 2 hrs early
Tuesday: school starts 2 hrs late
Wednesday: no school
Thursday: no school
Friday: TBD (my guess is possibly a 2 hr late start)

They won't be loving it so much when they are going to school until July!


TJ said...

That is why I stay home - can you imagine if you worked finding daycare on days like this!

I think schools have gotten lax, though. We never got out for cold unless the buses couldn't start. ;)

Stay warm. It is -9 in Ames six years ago Mable was born.

Bad Mommy said...

Man, we haven't had a single snow day and I am TOTALLY okay with that. I agree though, schools have gotten lax. The girls have barely had outdoor recess at all this year. I swear we always went out unless there were blizzard conditions.