Monday, August 4, 2008

As Heard at Our House

I bet you don't hear things like this around your house:

Leah to Daddy, "Daddy, what's that on your philtrum?"

Does anyone know what a philtrum is? Here's a couple hints:
1. Its a body part
2. Its above the waist
3. Almost everyone has one

Let's see if anyone knows what it is without googling it.

Stay tuned to find out what was on Daddy's philtrum . . .


Jenn M said...

only a speech/path/ OT geek would teach her kids that term ;-)

I didn't know it but knew I had heard it in some therapy session of Audrey's; I cheated and googled.

So, what was in that little groove above daddy's upper lip?

kmm0305 said...

Actually Emma brought that word home from preschool one day (of course I knew it LONG before that, lol). I forget why they were talking about it. Anyway, when dh doesn't shave on the weekends and uses a kleenex, he always gets kleenex "fuzz" stuck on his philtrum. And now you know. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ok, I didn't know until I read the first comment. :)

Thanks for stopping by yesterday! :)

Minyo said...

I didn't know til I read the first comment. Now I remember hearing it before. When my youngest was learning body part names, we asked her doctor at a well child visit, because she was curious about that spot. He told us, but I had since forgotten. Thanks for refreshing my memory!

It's cool and geeky that it's in your daughter's daily vocabulary! The other kids will be so impressed :)

Cristin said...

I totally knew what it was... but I'm a nurse... it sounds like it should be something dirty though doesn't it??

Susan said...

I was guessing and I was right! No medical background whatsoever, just a vocabulary geek.