Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I've talked just a few times about my affinity for Starbucks. Over-priced, high-calorie caffiene drinks are my thing. I have been making my own coffee at home most mornings, but I didn't have any creamer in the house (actually I DID have creamer--I bought some that was 25 cents at Hy Vee since it was due to expire yesterday, but it curdled once you put it in hot coffee. Not so much a bargain). Anyway, it was a cool and rainy Monday morning, just perfect for Starbucks. I enjoyed my drink as I got groceries yesterday.

Fast-forward to supper last night. Leah says that her "pretend" Mommy is going to go to Burger King for a coffee. "Wait, wait, I mean Starbucks". That alone was enough to get hubby suspicious. He starts asking her, "Does Mommy go there everyday?" She answers, "Yes." of course, little stinker (FTR: No, I don't) Then she goes on to say "And no whip!" to which I immediately start laughing hysterically, tears running down my face. So busted, she even knows how I order my coffee.

The day she can tell me "grande white chocolate mocha with skim milk, no whip" is the day I guess I know I've gone to Starbucks a few too many times.


Unknown said...

Ha ha. So Busted! You'll have to go Christmas shopping alone this year, or everyone will know what they're getting thanks to loose lips LC. :p

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. You and my sister would get along perfect. She goes to Starbucks twice a day every single day! I'm a not a coffee drinker at all but I LOVE their pumpking loaf and hot chocolate! YUMMY!

I had to take my nephew to school one day and he said "Reeca, don't forget to go to Starbucks." He then preceeded to tell me that he and his mom go everyday for coffee, chocolate milk and a muffin. He was 3 at the time.

TJ said...

Kids have amazing observation skills, don't they?

Darcy said...

This made me smile! My only vice is expensive coffee drinks. I try so hard not too...
When Grace plays tea party, she always asks me "do you want a decaf mocha mommy?"
They do pick it up so quickly don't they!

Cristin said...

That's so hilarious!! Now, I wouldn't have that problem with the Deaf kid!!!