Monday, March 31, 2008

Are You Aware?

Like I mentioned last week, LC was born with a birth defect called congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Her defect wasn't caught on ultrasound, so it was quite a surprise when she was born. Until about 8am on 8-11-05, we had no clue this birth defect existed. Had you heard about it before you met someone who has dealt with CDH? Didn't think so.

Why is this defect so unknown? It occurs with the same incidence as spina bifida and cystic fibrosis. Betcha heard of those, right? It is also a very serious birth defect. It isn't really clear what the survival rate, but it may be anywhere from 50% to 75% (pure guess there). THere are way too many angels in heaven who got their wings from CDH. Other complications from CDH are too numerous to list. Somehow we got off "easy" and I'm still wondering why.

This is your chance to help spread the word. I have two challenges for you:

1. If you are a lurker (and I hope there are a few of you out there, otherwise my audience is about 5 people) I challenge you to de-lurk sometime this week. For everyone who makes a comment this week on any post, I will donate a book to Connor's Books. You can read about it here. Connor was born with CDH and shares a birthday with EE. Let's see how many books we can donate for this cause.

2. Tell 2 people about CDH. Just mention "Have you ever heard of this?" Just to get people thinking.

If you have a chance, stop by another CDH mom blog. Here is one I highly recommened. From there you can link yourself to many other stories. Or take a look at this site to learn some additional information. Or you can read LC's entire story here.


Anonymous said...

I've been enjoying your blog. Thanks for the education about CDH, and how good of you to donate to Connor's Books.

Jenn M said...

PERFECT post, you are hitting every right these days (a golf analogy!)

a comment = a book, YOU RULE and I stole your idea!

Stacy said...

I'm aware and looking forward to the days when the survival rates start shifting in the other direction.


Unknown said...

Thanks for spreading the word

Amanda said...

Thank you so much for thinking of us!! Haven't talked to you in ages - glad I found you again. :)
I'll have to catch up on your blog!

Unknown said...

I'm not a lurker, but I'm commenting! I'll even buy & send you a book you can donate. :D

And I made an open post on my LJ about CDH: here

Susan said...


Because everyone should know those three little letters.


Everyone is like a butterfly... said...

Another CDH mom saying thank you!

Mommy to Madison May 24 2001

Nancy said...

I'm always amazed at what Amanda has done with Connor's books. What a wonderful tribute for a very special little boy.

Here's to spreading awareness of CDH!
Patrick's Mom

Me said...

What an amazing mom you are! And what an amazing story about a lovely girl. Thanks for sharing and for getting the word out.

kmm0305 said...

Thanks for all the comments, keep em' coming all week! :)

Jenny said...

Hi K,

I'm visiting from my friend Jenn's site. Thank you for this post. I didn't know about CDH until I met Jenn and I am still amazed every day with all she has been through. What a great idea to donate books for comments. Hope you have MANY books to donate!

The Crowmissioner said...

Add another book!

Jeff Crowe

Matt said...

Thanks for thinking about Connor's Books...

- Matt (Connor's Papa)

Denise said...

Hi, I learned about CDH from your posts and others on BabyCenter. Thanks for donating books!


Cristin said...

CDH Mom to Graham... also diagnosed at birth... He turned 5 on 3/31... new to your blog... excellent post...

Darcy said...

Thanks for you post, it's great idea. I haven't read LC's story, I'm on my way there next. We too "got of easy" with my son who was born with CDH. He just turned 1 in March and is doing great.