Sunday, December 21, 2008

How do you spell . . .

Emma is very into writing and often asks us how to spell words. If we sound it out for her, she can figure out the letters, but let's face it, English is not the easiest language to learn. I mean silent "e", "ph" or "gh" for "f", the same letter can make different sounds--it makes for some difficult writing. At school she is encouraged to use "kindergarten" spelling--pretty much the kids try their best to sound things out and the teacher will help correct them at times.

Last night as I was making supper, a courier brought me this note:

ar wei
gana woc
all av
the move

Which when translated into English meant, "Mommy are we gonna watch all of the movie" since we were having a movie night. Before that note, I got this one:

Mommy cod
wii play dog aftr supr

Translation, "Mommy could we play dog after supper." Hubby and I got quite a chuckle out of how she spelled wii--can you see the influence of commercialism there? Nice.

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